Drive Thru Difference

Drive Through Difference

"I've never seen the wind. I've seen the effects of the wind..." - Rev. Billy Graham

We all know how powerful the wind in the Ozarks can be. That power can be something positive, encouraging, and uplifting. The words above have inspired The Wind to ask for your help in something that truly could be one of the most influential movements in the Ozarks.

We want to show 'the effects of The Wind' with the The Wind's Drive-Thru Difference.

Maybe today is the day that a mom in the drive-thru, a dad at the lunch counter, or a kid at the ice cream shop, has something special happen to them. Maybe it's you that makes it happen.

Share your Drive-Thru Difference Story!
- Use the Open Mic feature in our free app
- Share on Facebook

Maybe today is the day that you'll download this special handwritten note you can pass along to someone who may need some encouragement.

People tell us that they've simply given the note to the person at the drive-thru window and said, "I want to pay for the person behind me."

The stories of what happens next are amazing. Just a little bit of kindness sometimes can make all the difference.

A Drive-Thru Difference.

We would love to hear your stories! Use the Open Mic feature on our free mobile app to record your brief story, or share it on our Facebook page.